Tantra Massage

The massage tantric is a ritual, it is the adoration to the body and to his interior being, it is a meditation and balance of energies for the awakening and the ascension of the Kundalini. Across the practices of pranayama we reach a condition of corporal and mental easing, are like that prepared to receive the sweet, compassionate and loving touches, our sensibility is increased and we prune to feel mas there of the imaginable thing, our feelings sublime are made present liberating all the mental conditioning and possible imbalances to emotional level. A tantric massage , it is a spiritual deep ecstasy, the pleasure comes out the limits of to feel genital to expand to every body and more there of.

Tantra Massage for Couples

Our sessions of couple are for persons who undertake to reveal new sides of yes same, as well as of his relations, seeking to raise the condition of conscience across the pleasure in a sure and professional environment. These sessions are an adventure to explore our sensuality, to increase the sensibility. There is tried to raise the conscience of our body, to educate ourselves in the massage of healing, be aware of the union across the love. They will be instructed in the massage of the lingam and of the yoni.

Nyasa Massage - 4 hands

The stimulation of the " Sacred Points ", it allows the individual to yield itself to a form of pleasure to which it cannot be accustomed. The massage to 4 hands allows to experience this softer, receptive and pleasant side from a not traditional perspective. This massage is a tool across which the man accedes to a high condition of the conscience by means of the pleasure. Nyasa's intention is to experience different plane, to wake the sense up in areas where it is normally inactive, in the such places as organs and muscles. The tensions come loose, but this is only a step of the process. Nyasa has a powerful effect in the body and the mind, has methods to touch and to wake up the numerous dimensions of the mind, where the widespread pleasure creates an atmosphere loaded with sensuality, ecstasy, fullness and well-being.

Tantric Meditations

The tantric meditations, they have as aim increase the feminine side in every individual, find the harmony and the balance in us themselves, who flows towards all our environment, improving the relation with the others, they are based on corporal movements to the sound of the sacred mantras of the tantrismo, in some cases Yoga is accompanied of Kundalini's Kriyas  Each of these meditations they entrust demonstrating the perfection of our being, in those zones in which we are lacking or in condition of the so called sluggish points. The results are Surprising since we start looking at the life and everything what surrounds us from a different optics, we manage to be fully conscious of the beauty, everything what we observe becomes beautiful and sacred, we learn to value the life, our body, the nature, other beings and manage to understand that we all are a part of the same universe where the negative aspects as the suffering are an alone product of our mental condition.

Control of the Prana

The pranayana is a technology of breathing across which we control the flow of energy. This practice to part of his numerous therapeutic benefits, controls the mind, it is a bridge of connection with the cosmic prana, one accedes to a condition of deep easing and of connection with our interior without the conditioning of the mind. The practices of pranayama allow to be a channel of energy you, to expand and to deliver energy to all those who surround you. Strenuousness and mental control drink to you a high level of vitality

Tantric Yoga

Also called tantra white, meditation and easing is based on a series of kriyas, mantras, bhandas, mudras. It is the Breath of the Cobra, the elevation of the energy Kundalini, from his base in the sacred one up to high levels, for different ends and for the high more. The practice of this Yoga needs of a discipline yoguica, of an absolute delivery, for remunerations are innumerates. The practice of the Kundalini Yoga dissolves the stagnant energies that come from the evil use of the tantra.